Friday 30 September 2011

Monty and Rosaleen in the Faythe School

Pupils and teachers in the Faythe School are very fortunate to have the services of a trained Irish Therapy Dog team coming to the school once a week. Pet therapy has been described as the use of dogs, in our case, to enhance the quality of life of children in caring environments by visiting and interacting with them. The dog therapy team of Rosaleen and Monty work to improve the lot of children in the Faythe School where they help children learn to read.

Monty comes into school with Rosaleen on Friday and usually goes to room 13 where he lies on his blanket in the middle of the floor. The children and adults sit around him on the floor too. Sometimes one of the adults might start reading a story and when Monty is looking and listening the “reading to Monty” begins. Often the children will show the picture to the others and Monty and read a few pages. While fluency is encouraged, the main aim is enjoyment of reading and being at ease socially in the company of others. There is no correction of reading during these sessions and the children are encouraged to keep reading as Monty just listens because he doesn't notice mistakes.

Children will often react to and speak to a dog more readily than to an adult. They seem able to understand the dog and can speak through him or identify a feeling in him that may be much more difficult for them to do when dealing with people. The children often choose their books by asking if Monty will like it? One child was fearful of dogs before spending time with Monty and now has a pet dog!

The children love reading for Monty and the adults involved are thrilled with the scheme. Many of the pupils in the school wish they too could read for Monty!! Long may the programme continue.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Garden Winners

The winners of the school and community categories for Wexford in Bloom received their prizes and certificates at a ceremony at Wexford Borough Council on Monday 26th September 2011. Mayor of Wexford Davy Hynes was on hand to dole out the honours to the various green-fingered winners, who all did their bit to make Wexford that bit more colourful and attractive in 2011.

The Faythe School won the Silver Medal in the Schools' Garden category and Ms. Mullins and four pupils from the school went down to the Ceremony which was held in the Borough Council HQ just off Hill Street. They were accompanied by Colm Ó Muirí from the South End Family Resource Centre who hand worked with the children on the project during the last school year.

Ms. Mullins organised a taxi to and from the ceremony and the lovely certificate that the school won is proudly displayed outside the Sports Hall.

A special word of thanks must go to Colm for all his help, the past pupils from the school now in 4th Class of CBS who had worked on the project and to Ms. Mullins who kept the whole thing. on track.