Saturday 30 March 2013

Room 5, First Class’s Trip to the new Wexford Library

On Wednesday, March 20th, the boys and girls in room 5 made a trip to Wexford Library.   Mr. Turner organised a bus to transport everyone. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the facilities, resources and location of the library to the children and to encourage those who hadn’t already done so to become a member.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by Ms. Kelly, one of the librarians. She spoke to the class and showed us how to borrow and return books using the scanning machines.We then went upstairs to assemble for story time. The children sat and listened to a reading of the story of “Winnie the Witch”, which they reported to really enjoy.

Next, the librarian showed the children the relevant aisles of books for their age group. The children were introduced to new vocabulary such as fiction, non- fiction and author. They completed tasks to locate books using either the title or author of a book. This really was a beneficial learning opportunity in accessing books in the library.
Children were given some free time to explore and read books.

A special word of thanks is extended to the parents of the children who attended the library visit and engaged with the children in locating and reading the books. A big thank you also to Wexford Library for facilitating the visit and especially to Ms. O’Loughlin, for accompanying us.

It was an educational experience that fully embraced the joy and pleasure of books and reading, which the children really enjoyed.

Daffodil Day 2013

Congratulations, and well done, to Mr. Whelan's 6th Class who co-ordinated this year's Daffodil Day Annual Fundraiser which raised €173 for this very worthwhile cause.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Story Activities in Room 3

For a few weeks before Easter, Ms. Roche organised story activities for her class. Parents / guardians together with Ms. Duggan came into the classroom and worked with the children on a weekly basis. Ms. Fitzgerald's Class brought the children up to their class and read for them and they really enjoyed this.

Check out the video.

Seachtain na Gaeilge ~ 2013

"Gníomhaíochtaí ar fud na scoile"

SnaG ~ 2013 ~ Seomraí 3, 4 & 5.

Seomra 3

Seomra 4

Seomra 5

Seachtain na Gaeilge~201 ~Céilí, Seomraí 1 & 2

Fé threoir Ms. O’Loughlin bhí a lán rud ar siúl ‘san Fhaiche’ í rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Rinne gach duine iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae…"Dia duit", nó "slán abhaile" nó "an bhfuil cead agam?". Bhí spórt mór againn mar bhí a lán dramaí beaga agus gníomhaíochtaí ealaíne ar siúl sna ranganna. Bhí comórtas póstaer (bunaithe ar na seanfhocail) and tráth na gceist againn freisin.

Ar an Deardaoin bhíomar ag tnúth le Céilí Mór a chuir ar siúl sa chlós. Thugamar cuireadh do na tuismitheoirí, do na sean tuismitheoirí agus dár gcairde teacht ar a haon a chlog ach loitigh an aimsir an plean sin.... mar plean B, bhí an Céilí sa Halla. Tháinig beirt ceoltóir agus shein siad ceol do na páistí. Ba í Ms. Duggan an 'MC' agus bhain gach duine sult as. Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil le Tom and John don cheol agus leis na múinteoirí as ucht a gcabhar ar fad !

Ar an Aoine, cuireadh na drámaí do na ranganna naíonán ar siúl sa Halla agus in ainneoin an aimsir, bhaineamar go léir taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Seomra 1

Seomra 2