Friday 4 May 2012

Room 2 Go Fishing For Crabs!

On Wednesday 2nd of May the children from Room 2 went on an outing to Kat's Strand. The aim of the trip was to explore the natural habitat of the crab and to collect items for sketching. We were blessed with the weather and the sunny excursion was a enjoyed by all.

The boys and girls had been very busy on the lead up to the trip as they are taking part in the CRAFTed Art Project. This is where a local crafts person is paired with a class and assists in the undertaking of a project. The artist working with Room 2 is Phil Stewart. She specialises in textiles but is undertaking a project on drawing with the class.

The children first encountered the crab when Phil brought in some live ones for them to sketch! The children were so interested by the little creatures that we decided to learn more about them and what better way than going to see them in their natural surroundings. We were joined by upwards of ten parents on the day and I would like to take this oppertunity to thank them for their help-without which the trip would not have been as successful. Parents helped us prepare bait to fish for crabs and some of the Daddys even found some baby eels and rag worms for us to look at!

Apart from drawing crabs, the children have also tried drawing their shoes and have experimented with different ways of drawing.

Below you will see a picture of the children drawing at a distance using crayons which are duck-taped to the end of bamboo sticks!!!

The project has been lots of fun so far. There are a few more weeks to go and we plan to exhibit our work at the end so keep an eye out for Room 2's magnificent artwork on display in the school.

Ms. Mac Fadden.

Yard mural by 6th class

On the 20th and 27th of April our class did a mural with art students from the Southend Family resource Centre. The mural was themed on the old Irish legend 'The Children of Lir'. The legend tells the story of a wicked stepmother who turns her stepchildren into swans. The mural shows Conn and Aodh after been transformed into swans as Fionnuala and Fiachra watch on in horror.
When the girls arrived we got straight down to work painting the mural. We think it turned out you?!

We signed our names at the side of the mural. Despite the fact we will not be here next year, this will be a lasting memory of 6th class 2011/12.

Junior Achievement in 6th class

6th class are doing a five week junior Achievement programme. It started last week and we learned about chromatography and forensic science. This week we learned about energy. Next week we are learning about the circulatory system.
Our junior achievement teacher is called DJ Delaney. He is very funny and kind. He is very good at science. We solved our own crime using chromatography. It was really good fun. This week we learned that watts is the unit of measurement when measuring energy. We looked at different household appliances and the amount of energy they use to function. We will all be more energy conscious in the future.

We are enjoying our junior achievement programme so far and we hope to learn more in the coming weeks.