Thursday 25 April 2013

The Spanish Wedding

A Spanish Wedding (Una boda espaňola)

   On Sunday 14-4-13, my Mam, Dad, little sister, uncle and I went to Salou in Spain. We met our family over there!! We were all there to attend the wedding of my cousin-in-law Amaya. The weather over in Salou was lovely and hot.

   On Tuesday morning, we all met up to go on a bus up to the north of Spain which is where Amaya and her fiancé live. The name of the village that they live in is Marcilla. It was very cold there compared to Salou.

  On Wednesday morning, we all got up really early to get ready for the wedding and the house was buzzing with excitement. At first, we had breakfast and then we all got washed and dressed. Then we were all waiting downstairs for the bride and the bridesmaids to come down the stairs.

  After they came down, we walked down the road to the church (with the bride-to-be!!) and all the neighbours and all the people from the pubs came out to look. There was a lot of cheering and screaming.

 When we got there, there were a lot of pictures taken and then the mass had started. I can’t really tell you anything about the Mass because it was all in Spanish!! The only part I understood was the part where they kissed!!

  After the Mass, we all went outside the church. I didn’t know what this was about when someone handed me four hard sweets. Apparently the custom in Spain is to throw sweets at the happy we threw them at the happy couple when they came out of the church.

  When that was finished, we went to a big fancy hotel and we had dinner. There were ten small courses. The courses were small but they filled me for the night! We had food like chicken croquettes, spicy Spanish sausages that my mam said were called chorizo and a lot of weird food that was delicious. At the end, we all had a slice of chocolate wedding cake. It was delicious!!

  Then we all got up on the dance floor and danced the night away.

  On Thursday, we were all wrecked after the wedding!! We got on a bus back to Salou. When we got back, we all got our stuff ready to go home because we were going home on Friday. When everything was ready to go, we went to lie down by the pool!!!

  Then Friday came and we all had to go home back to cold, rainy Ireland!!

Rackard League Mini-7 Camogie Shield Champions - 2013

The Faythe school Camogie Team were playing in a Final in Oulart on the 22nd of April . We were playing Kilmyshall and Oulart.

 First we played Kilmyshall and we won by four goals . Then Kilmyshall played Oulart. Oulart beat Kilmyshall by fifteen goals.

 Finally the Faythe school and Oulart were playing for the shield . We all tried our hardest . Everyone was playing brilliantly .

 Aishling , Oliwia and I were subs but we enjoyed looking at the match . He blew the whistles three times, we knew we had won the match. Everyone went wild. We were so happy.

            The Oulart teacher presented our Shield to Niamh ( captain ) and Mary ( vice captain ). Niamh madea speech that she hadn't prepared..... ¨ Oh it was a real hard game , everyone tried their hardest but we won !!¨.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Room 5, First Class’s Trip to the new Wexford Library

On Wednesday, March 20th, the boys and girls in room 5 made a trip to Wexford Library.   Mr. Turner organised a bus to transport everyone. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the facilities, resources and location of the library to the children and to encourage those who hadn’t already done so to become a member.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by Ms. Kelly, one of the librarians. She spoke to the class and showed us how to borrow and return books using the scanning machines.We then went upstairs to assemble for story time. The children sat and listened to a reading of the story of “Winnie the Witch”, which they reported to really enjoy.

Next, the librarian showed the children the relevant aisles of books for their age group. The children were introduced to new vocabulary such as fiction, non- fiction and author. They completed tasks to locate books using either the title or author of a book. This really was a beneficial learning opportunity in accessing books in the library.
Children were given some free time to explore and read books.

A special word of thanks is extended to the parents of the children who attended the library visit and engaged with the children in locating and reading the books. A big thank you also to Wexford Library for facilitating the visit and especially to Ms. O’Loughlin, for accompanying us.

It was an educational experience that fully embraced the joy and pleasure of books and reading, which the children really enjoyed.

Daffodil Day 2013

Congratulations, and well done, to Mr. Whelan's 6th Class who co-ordinated this year's Daffodil Day Annual Fundraiser which raised €173 for this very worthwhile cause.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Story Activities in Room 3

For a few weeks before Easter, Ms. Roche organised story activities for her class. Parents / guardians together with Ms. Duggan came into the classroom and worked with the children on a weekly basis. Ms. Fitzgerald's Class brought the children up to their class and read for them and they really enjoyed this.

Check out the video.

Seachtain na Gaeilge ~ 2013

"Gníomhaíochtaí ar fud na scoile"

SnaG ~ 2013 ~ Seomraí 3, 4 & 5.

Seomra 3

Seomra 4

Seomra 5

Seachtain na Gaeilge~201 ~Céilí, Seomraí 1 & 2

Fé threoir Ms. O’Loughlin bhí a lán rud ar siúl ‘san Fhaiche’ í rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Rinne gach duine iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae…"Dia duit", nó "slán abhaile" nó "an bhfuil cead agam?". Bhí spórt mór againn mar bhí a lán dramaí beaga agus gníomhaíochtaí ealaíne ar siúl sna ranganna. Bhí comórtas póstaer (bunaithe ar na seanfhocail) and tráth na gceist againn freisin.

Ar an Deardaoin bhíomar ag tnúth le Céilí Mór a chuir ar siúl sa chlós. Thugamar cuireadh do na tuismitheoirí, do na sean tuismitheoirí agus dár gcairde teacht ar a haon a chlog ach loitigh an aimsir an plean sin.... mar plean B, bhí an Céilí sa Halla. Tháinig beirt ceoltóir agus shein siad ceol do na páistí. Ba í Ms. Duggan an 'MC' agus bhain gach duine sult as. Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil le Tom and John don cheol agus leis na múinteoirí as ucht a gcabhar ar fad !

Ar an Aoine, cuireadh na drámaí do na ranganna naíonán ar siúl sa Halla agus in ainneoin an aimsir, bhaineamar go léir taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Seomra 1

Seomra 2

Saturday 23 March 2013

Tráth na gCeist (SnaG ~ 2013)

Inné bhí tráth na gceist ar siúl ar scoil mar is é an seachtain seo ‘Seactain na Gaeilge.’ Chuaigh Seomra 15 suas go dtí Seomra 12.
B’í Ms. Fitzgerald ‘an Quizmistress’ ach bhí Mr. Doyle ag obair go dian mar ‘scorekeeper.’ Bhí na ceisteanna eolas ginerálta deacair go leor agus bhí sé ceist sa bhabhta.

Bhí a lán craic againn ach nuair a bhuail an chlog ní raibh an tráth na gceist críocnaithe agis bhí orainn fanacht don Aoine chun é a chríochnú.
Sa deireadh bhí buaiteoirí soiléir agus fuair siad feisteáin peile mar dhuaiseanna.

Buíochas le CLG Naomh Mhuire, Baile Maidlin, as ucht urraíocht na duaiseanna.  
Lá den scoth a bhí ann agus tá súil againn go mbeidh tráth na gceist ar siúl aris an bhlian seo chugainn.

Spring Term 2013

Below find some of the wonderful work completed since January 2013 and proudly displayed throughout the school.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Science Room 15

Please check back later for a written account of our experiments.

Friday 15 March 2013

School Garden

An 'award winning' school garden does not just 'spring up over night' and while the labours of all those involved are usually seen in the late Spring to early Summer the work is year round.

Recently the girls in Mr. Whelan's class have rolled their sleeves up and done a lot of the 'donkey work' outside under Ms. Mullin's direction. Meantime, in doors, Ms. Dempsey's class were planting loads of herbs that will be a great addition to the vegetables already planted outside.

Over the holidays, the men from the SEFRC are due to deliver 'vegetable boxes' that will allow our green fingered pupils plant an even greater selection of plants. Roll on 'harvest time.'

Tuesday 12 March 2013

5th Class visit Selskar Abbey

On Tuesday 5th February Ms. Griffin-Jones' 5th Class visited Selskar Abbey as part of the Wexford Lions Club initiative that saw them work with the Wexford Tidy Towns Committee to ensure safe access to this historic site on a daily basis.

People can now avail of walking tours at 3pm each day. As part of the project, every tombstone in the Abbey grounds has been logged and these details can be accessed from the Wexford Lions Club website.

Our 'tour guide' on the day was none other than Monica Crofton. Monica was for many years Deputy Principal in the Faythe School and had the unique distinction of attending the Faythe for all of her schooling from Junior Infants to Leaving Certificate before returning to work all her teaching career there !!

Not content with this, Monica also penned the history of the school -  'Memories of the Faythe School' -  a specially bound copy of which was presented to President Michael D.Higgins, on the occasion of his visit to the school last year.

Despite the poor weather the class were treated to a thoroughly enjoyable tour delivered in Monica's inimitable style. When the girls returned to school, and thawed out, they wrote an account of their trip and several weeks later Caitlin Clowery was thrilled to be picked as the Faythe School's best essayist and even more thrilled with her 'cash' prize.

Well done Caitlin!