For six weeks four classes from our school worked with Jacqui and Joanne from WACT Theatre Group. One day we videod some of the drama class which you can see below and further on you can read a drama based on work done in class. It was performed by Kelly, Kaitana and Charlotte and we hope you enjoy it. The account and reflection were written by Tiana.
First of all Charlotte phoned Kelly and asked her to go to the cinema. When Kelly said 'no' Charlotte seemed disappointed but said she would go on her own.
Next Kelly unkindly phoned Kaitana and asked her to go to the cinema. Kaitana agreed and the two girls went to the cinema and saw the film. However when they came out they saw Charlotte. 'What are you doing here?' Kelly snapped at her. 'I came to watch the movie' mumbled Charlotte.
'Ugh' sniffed Kelly flouncing off and leaving Kelly feeling rejected and sad.
I felt a sense of injustice for Charlotte and angry at Kelly and Kaitana for leaving Charlotte alone in the cinema.